Service Overview
Should you wish to store any of your personal goods in our warehouse, we have a secure warehouse with 24-hour security. You may also want to store any other commodities or general cargo. We also offer free storage on some shipments.
Kellys Express’s culture is having the ability to adapt quickly to our customer needs and requirements. Since the company was formed in 2007 till now, we have always put the client first and our commitment to service has always been our number one goal. We are striving now after years of hard work and as a small family based company, we always aim for that personal touch with our clients. This makes us the leading relocation company in all of Indonesia.
Best Price
Our prices are competitively priced.
Excellent Service
Provide first class technical capability along with a commitment to quality and excellent service.
Years of Experience
We have a well qualified and an experienced team of managers and movers. The move teams have years of experience, excellent teamwork skills and are well lead.